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with all her
upcoming gigs,
tours, performances
and creative exploits.
If you're free,
definitely come along.

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Restore and Reset Workshop

Rachel’s grassroots arts-as-activism organisation Black Mind has another Wellbeing Workshop facilitated by special guest Bay Francis 🌱 as part of a blossoming #BlackMindBlooms season.

Black Mind is an arts-as-activism organisation that centres the mental health, wellbeing, justice ad jot of Black people in Britain.

Come gather with us in a welcoming Black space, breathe into your body and restore with on Thursday at 7.45pm.

PAY WITH A SONG 🎶 (Secure your place by contributing a tune choice to our community playlist 😘)

Earlier Event: April 9
Spoken Word with Act For Change
Later Event: May 27
Antigone by Brecht